Me and Carly trying to figure out how to row on our last day in London!
Well I can officially say I have lived and studied in London! This past Monday we had finals! Yuck! But then we got our last day, Tuesday, off so we could go explore and enjoy the city one last time! It was definitely a bitter-sweet ending! Everyone was so excited to go home and see their families, but at the same time, so sad to have to leave all of their friends and the beautiful city of London!
All we wanted to do the last night was be together, so we all went for a ride on the London Eye to watch the sunset and see a birds-eye view of the city we have called home for the past couple of months. Of course no one could sleep (or in that case, wanted to sleep) and instead we stayed up all night talking, listening to each other sing and play guitar/piano, packing, exchanging phone numbers, photos, etc. It was very eventful...and emotional!! One minute we were laughing, the next we were was a roller-coaster of emotion! But when all was said and done, we went our separate ways, ready to tell our friends and family all about our crazy adventures!
Here are some pictures of the BYU London Centre:
Our very clean room!!!
The bathroom all 12 of us girls got ready in every morning
The classroom by day and the movie theater by night
Formal Dining Room
The servery where we ate
Everyone hanging out in the parlor!
Final moments:
This picture was definitely taken at 3 in the morning the night before we all left!
Leaving with all of our luggage...note to self: PACK LIGHTER!!
I, of course, am not even near close to ending my adventures in Europe! I just landed in Amsterdam yesterday, the first stop of my tour abroad, and am loving every minute of exploring it! The canals, and buildings, and the bikes...Oh, the bikes!! They are everywhere! I'm pretty sure I've seen more bikes these past two days than I've seen in my entire lifetime combined! Its amazing!
This is the bike parking basically sums up Amsterdam in a single picture!
Carly and I are staying with Jessica and Edgar Harder, the cutest couple ever! They are absolutely adorable...and Jessica is a great cook! Tonight she made us yummy pasta with eggplant! It was so nice to have a home-cooked meal...haven't had one of those in forever!!
As for exploring the city, Carly and I took to the street on our sweet red bikes that Jess hooked us up with! And well....we tried not to get lost!!
Carly trying to read a map! She navigated us to the Van Gogh and Rijkmuseums, Anne Frank's House, and the park!
Oh and today, we took a boat ride on the canals!
That was fun!! And although I miss London a ton, I'm loving it here in Amsterdam....and I mean, lets be honest, I'll be back in my home city, London in less than a week!! So lets live it up while were in the Nederlands!! Woo hoo!!
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